Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I Simply Love My Ho'oponopono Beads

I really do love them. I love the ritual of sitting in my cozy chair at the end of my day, turning the lights out and doing Ho'oponopono with my beads.

I wouldn't do nearly as much Ho'oponopono if I didn't have the beads, and I love how they feel in my hands.

Has anything changed since I've been doing Ho'oponoopono?

What's happening for me is that desires that I want to attract are coming into my life quicker. Some teachers of Law of Attraction say that each new desire has a "germination period". I believe that. Three years ago, a new desire that I focused on and gave attention to (I love to visualize) would show up in my world on an average of about 3 months.

Since doing Ho'oponopono nightly with my beads, new desires and close matches are showing up in my life on average of 30 days...and some as quick as a few days.

The neat thing about Ho'oponopono is that you don't have to believe in it to work. But, if you want complete freedom from ALL negative energy that you've accumulated throughout your life, Ho'oponopono is powerful to do just that.

AND if you want relationships with certain people in your life to improve, DO ho'oponopono.

I know a Mom who is using Ho'oponopono for her relationship with her youngest son. Sadly, he is a drug addict and for a long time, he wouldn't communicate with anyone in the family. He lives hundreds of miles from her so she can't "pop in for a visit" to see how he is doing. She began doing Ho'oponopono nightly and about a month later, her son began calling everyone in his family on a more regular basis.

I bet there are lots of similar stories out there.

If you have one, pass it on to me. I'd love to have them.

"Divine Creator; father, mother, son as one. If I or my family or my relatives or my ancestors have offended you or your family or your relatives or ancestors, in any thought, word, deed or action, from the moment of our creation to this present time, please forgive us. May this cleanse, purify, release and cut all memories, blocks, energies and vibrations and transmute these unwanted energies into pure light. And it is done."

For more information, visit http://hooponopono.org

To order exquisite Ho'oponopono Beads (pictures coming soon)
Email me:

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